Our team can help you navigate the tricky path toward your liquor license.

Obtain­ing an alcohol or tobacco license, or navigating with their various boards and bureuas can be time consuming, costly, and confusing. Working with the Alco­hol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), The Cal­i­for­nia State Alco­holic Bev­er­age Con­trol (CA ABC) and local gov­ern­ment can be com­pli­cated, and if not processed or com­plied with cor­rectly it could sub­ject you to expen­sive fines and penal­ties, includ­ing law­suits.

Our Services :

  • Consultation and guidance

  • License selection

  • Obtain license

  • Operational matters

  • Strategic alliances

  • Use of license

Complimentary Services (click for more detail):

Questions we often address :

  • What is a let­ter of Pub­lic Con­ve­nience and Neces­sity (PCN)?

  • How should I file my appli­ca­tion? As an indi­vid­ual, part­ner­ship, or corporation?

  • What is a Peti­tion for Con­di­tional License?

  • What hap­pens if my CA Liquor License or Beer and Wine License appli­ca­tion gets protested?

  • Can my CA Liquor License appli­ca­tion be denied for a crime of Moral Turpitude? 

It will take more than just com­ply­ing with Gov­ern­ment agen­cies to cre­ate a suc­cess­ful busi­ness: you will need to choose the right busi­ness entity type for your com­pany, the right loca­tion, nego­ti­ate a favor­able lease or sale agree­ment, and ensure that you have proper employee agree­ments and pro­tec­tions in place. At Figueroa Law we offer an entire suite of ser­vices for all small busi­nesses. We pro­vide a sin­gle stop so you can start your busi­ness suc­cess­fully and we have the expe­ri­ence to make sure you avoid the pit­falls that accom­pany start­ing a new business.

With­out rep­re­sen­ta­tion, the process can be overwhelming.


Trusts & Estates

