Our team can help you navigate the tricky path toward your liquor license.
Obtaining an alcohol or tobacco license, or navigating with their various boards and bureuas can be time consuming, costly, and confusing. Working with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), The California State Alcoholic Beverage Control (CA ABC) and local government can be complicated, and if not processed or complied with correctly it could subject you to expensive fines and penalties, including lawsuits.
Our Services :
Consultation and guidance
License selection
Obtain license
Operational matters
Strategic alliances
Use of license
Complimentary Services (click for more detail):
Questions we often address :
What is a letter of Public Convenience and Necessity (PCN)?
How should I file my application? As an individual, partnership, or corporation?
What is a Petition for Conditional License?
What happens if my CA Liquor License or Beer and Wine License application gets protested?
Can my CA Liquor License application be denied for a crime of Moral Turpitude?
It will take more than just complying with Government agencies to create a successful business: you will need to choose the right business entity type for your company, the right location, negotiate a favorable lease or sale agreement, and ensure that you have proper employee agreements and protections in place. At Figueroa Law we offer an entire suite of services for all small businesses. We provide a single stop so you can start your business successfully and we have the experience to make sure you avoid the pitfalls that accompany starting a new business.
Without representation, the process can be overwhelming.